DualEducationFinder: poiščite, kar iščete.

Kako lahko podprem mlade pri odkrivanju njihovih talentov?

Prepoznavanje talentov in interesov

Mladi pogosto ne poznajo svojih sposobnosti in težko prepoznajo svoje interese in sposobnosti kot talente. Regije ponujajo različne pobude, ki jim pri tem pomagajo.

Zukunftscheck Bregenz


The region of Vorarlberg (A) organizes two orientation tools for young people: the "Talent Check" and the "Future Check". Both serve to reflect and identify interests and abilities. In addition, the young people are supported in planning their future steps.

The region of St. Pölten/Lower Austria/Vienna (A) offers the "TalenteCheck Berufsbildung" and the "NÖ TalenteCheck" as orientation tools for young people.


The region of Wallis (CH) offers the "EDHEA Internship Day", a day that young people spend together with apprentices in the lessons of the vocational school. This enables them to get to know their own talents by means of practical exercises. This offer is specifically aimed at those interested in training as graphic designers.


The Munich Chamber of Crafts (D) helps young people to discover their talents by organizing the "School Workshop". An initiative that consists of a potential analysis and a practical part. On "Girls day" young girls can get a taste of professions through practical exercises and thus discover their own talents, too.

In the region of Rosenheim/Bavaria (D), the "MINTfit" initiative helps young people to assess their level of knowledge in the subjects of mathematics and physics using online tests.


In the region of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (F) young people can discover their talents with the initiative "Bravo les Artisans". The "Coaching métier" initiative can help them, too.


In the region of South Tyrol (I), the South Tyrolean regional administration offers the “training, study and career guidance” with the aim of guiding young people into the right career path based on their skills and interests. The offer of a "potential analysis" is also to mention here.

The region of Trento (I) tries to help young people through orientation initiatives for young people, such as "group initiatives" and "Job Counselling" to show young people their interests. "Talent Checkups" with the website "Sorprendo" offers information about 450 professional branches and thus shows young people the requirements that the different professions demand.


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