Guiding through different Career Paths

Information about the different career paths should not only take place in paper form, but in an active and participatory way. In this regard, the regions offer different initiatives.

WIGE Montafon


The Chamber of Skilled Crafts Munich (D) organizes different initiatives that teachers can use to facilitate the awareness raising of young people. For example, teachers can invite the "Training Ambassadors for the Crafts - Virtual Setting" or visit the "Meet your job - Training Fair" with the young people. Furthermore, they can organize an information evening similar to the "Berufsbilderabend der Maria-Ward-Mädchenrealschule Traunstein" or a "Girls day" taster day.

The Munich Chamber of Crafts (D) offers teachers the "Meet your job - training fair" or the "Berufsbilderabend der Maria-Ward-Mädchenrealschule Traunstein" to exchange ideas with other teaching staff.

In the region of Rosenheim/Bavaria (D) there are several initiatives to inform young people about the different career paths. Teachers can invite "Apprenticeship ambassadors - Combined degree" and the "Ausbildungs-Scouts” into the classroom. The initiative "AusbildungsOffensive-Bayern" provides specific information on the metal and electrical industry.

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