Allowing Insights

Often young people can hardly imagine certain professions and have no idea what practical and everyday tasks these entail. Therefore, real and genuine insights into companies are very important. The regions offer help in finding companies that allow these insights.

Lustenau, WUF


In the Rosenheim/Bavaria region (D), several initiatives are organized to enable teachers to find companies that can provide young people with insights. These include the "Azubi-Speed-Dating", the "Apprenticeship ambassadors - Combined degree" and the "Ausbildungs-Scouts”. In addition, the "meineZukunft! - The Job and Career Fair" is organized.

The Munich Chamber of Crafts (D) organizes the "School Workshop" and the "Career Evening of the Maria-Ward-Mädchenrealschule Traunstein", where companies are involved. At the "Meet your job - training fair" teachers can get to know a variety of open and sociable companies.

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