Omogočanje vpogledov

Mladi si pogosto težko predstavljajo določene poklice in nimajo pojma, kakšne praktične in vsakdanje naloge ti vključujejo. Zato so resnični in pristni vpogledi v podjetja zelo pomembni. Regije nudijo pomoč pri iskanju podjetij, ki omogočajo ta vpogled.

Lustenau, WUF


In the region of Valais (CH), there are several orientation opportunities that are characterized by the presence of companies. For example, the fair formats "Berufsschaufenster Upper Valais" and "Your Challenge - Career and Education Fair". The "Infopass Valais" directly involves them, too. The orientation platform "Miini Brüefswahl" offers its own section that is used by companies as a shop window.

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