DualEducationFinder: poiščite, kar iščete.

Kje lahko najdem podjetja, ki omogočajo obisk mladih, z namenom vpogleda v svet zaposlitve in dela?

Omogočanje vpogledov

Mladi si pogosto težko predstavljajo določene poklice in nimajo pojma, kakšne praktične in vsakdanje naloge ti vključujejo. Zato so resnični in pristni vpogledi v podjetja zelo pomembni. Regije nudijo pomoč pri iskanju podjetij, ki omogočajo ta vpogled.

Lustenau, WUF


The region of St. Pölten/Lower Austria/Vienna (A) offers an interesting fair format, the "BeSt³ digital", where companies can be found. The initiative "Bildungsmeile Amstetten-Scheibbs" also involves such companies.

The region Vorarlberg (A) organizes the "Apprenticeship fair Montafon", as well as the "i-Messe - the Vorarlberg vocational training fair", where teachers can find companies. The Region has also set up an apprenticeship homepage where companies can present themselves.


In the region of Valais (CH), there are several orientation opportunities that are characterized by the presence of companies. For example, the fair formats "Berufsschaufenster Upper Valais" and "Your Challenge - Career and Education Fair". The "Infopass Valais" directly involves them, too. The orientation platform "Miini Brüefswahl" offers its own section that is used by companies as a shop window.


In the Rosenheim/Bavaria region (D), several initiatives are organized to enable teachers to find companies that can provide young people with insights. These include the "Azubi-Speed-Dating", the "Apprenticeship ambassadors - Combined degree" and the "Ausbildungs-Scouts”. In addition, the "meineZukunft! - The Job and Career Fair" is organized.

The Munich Chamber of Crafts (D) organizes the "School Workshop" and the "Career Evening of the Maria-Ward-Mädchenrealschule Traunstein", where companies are involved. At the "Meet your job - training fair" teachers can get to know a variety of open and sociable companies.


The region of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (F) offers the "mondial des métiers" job fair in this regard. The initiatives "Bravo les Artisans" and "Craftsmanship makes its cinema" involve companies, too.


The region of Trento (I) tries to give visibility to such businesses through a job fair.

The region of South Tyrol (I) offers different platforms to find such companies. For example, “Infofair Bressanone" and the "Futurum – South Tyrols education fair”. In this regard, the project "Encounter School-Company & Open Days” should also be mentioned.


The region of Slovenia (SL) offers the format "Craft Street", which involves companies.

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