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Where can I find information about new regulations on training?

Stay Informed

It is often difficult for teachers to stay informed about all training and career opportunities. In this respect, exchange with other institutions and people is crucial. Some regions offer initiatives here.



In the region of St. Pölten/Lower Austria/Vienna (A), the fair formats "BeSt³ digital", "Bachelor and More" and "Master and More" can be used as platforms for the exchange of information. The "Open House" event can also be used in this regard.

The region of Vorarlberg (A) organizes the "Apprenticeship fair Montafon", as well as the "i-Messe - the Vorarlberg vocational training fair".


The region of Valais (CH) offers different opportunities for exchange to the teachers. They can exchange information at the fair formats "Berufsschaufenster Upper Valais" and the " Your Challenge - Career and Education Fair". Furthermore, the "Infopass Valais" and the "EDHEA Internship Day" offer additional opportunities for dialogue.


In the region of Rosenheim /Bavaria (D), the fair "meineZukunft! - The job and career fair” can be used by teachers for exchange.

The Munich Chamber of Crafts (D) offers teachers the "Meet your job - training fair" or the "Berufsbilderabend der Maria-Ward-Mädchenrealschule Traunstein" to exchange ideas with other teaching staff.


The region of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (F) offers the "mondial des métiers" job fair. In addition, the initiative "Coaching métier" can also be used for exchange.


In the region of South Tyrol (I), the “Infofair Bressanone" and the "Futurum – South Tyrols education fair” offer an opportunity for exchange.

The region of Trento (I) tries to facilitate exchange among teachers through job and school fairs.

The region of Slovenia (SL) offers the possibility to exchange with other teachers through the format "Craft Street".

Further information