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Where can I get information about new types of training, further education and existing career paths in order to be up-to-date?

Stay Informed

Coaches help young people to find their way. They need to have an up-to-date overview of the types of training and further education on offer. There are some interesting possibilities in this regard.



The region St. Pölten/Lower Austria/Vienna (A) offers three fairs, the "BeSt³ digital", "Bachelor and More" and "Master and More", which are used as sources of information for coaches. The "Open House" event can also be used in this regard.

The region of Vorarlberg (A) organizes the "Apprenticeship fair Montafon", as well as the "i-Messe - the Vorarlberg vocational training fair" which can be used by coaches to get information about existing training and further education offers. The region has also set up an apprenticeship homepage which they can use for information.


The region of Valais (CH) offers different sources of information for coaches. They can obtain information at the "Berufsschaufenster Upper Valais" and the "Your Challenge - Career and Education Fair" or visit the online platform "Miini Brüefswahl".


The Chamber of Crafts Munich (D) organizes several initiatives that coaches can use as a source of information. For example, coaches can visit the "Meet your job - training fair", or participate in the "Berufsbilderabend der Maria-Ward-Mädchenrealschule Traunstein".

In the region Rosenheim/Bavaria (D) the "meineZukunft! - The Job and Career Fair", is offered, which coaches can use to gather information.


The region of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (F) offers the "mondial des métiers" job fair.


The region of Trento (I) tries to offer coaches a source of information through a job and training fair. Furthermore, orientation initiatives for young people, such as "group initiatives" and "Job Counselling" offer a general introduction to the topic of education. Also "Talent Checkups" with the website "Sorprendo" offers information on 450 professional branches.

The region of South Tyrol (I) offers coaches two fairs, the " Infofair Bressanone" and the "Futurum – South Tyrols education fair" to get an overview of the training and further education opportunities.


The region of Slovenia (SL) offers the formats "Crafts path" and "Crafts street", which link coaches and potential apprentices.

Further information