Omogočanje vpogledov

Mladi si pogosto težko predstavljajo določene poklice in nimajo pojma, kakšne praktične in vsakdanje naloge ti vključujejo. Zato so resnični in pristni vpogledi v podjetja zelo pomembni. Regije nudijo pomoč pri iskanju podjetij, ki omogočajo ta vpogled.

Lustenau, WUF


In the Rosenheim/Bavaria region (D), several initiatives are organized to enable teachers to find companies that can provide young people with insights. These include the "Azubi-Speed-Dating", the "Apprenticeship ambassadors - Combined degree" and the "Ausbildungs-Scouts”. In addition, the "meineZukunft! - The Job and Career Fair" is organized.

The Munich Chamber of Crafts (D) organizes the "School Workshop" and the "Career Evening of the Maria-Ward-Mädchenrealschule Traunstein", where companies are involved. At the "Meet your job - training fair" teachers can get to know a variety of open and sociable companies.

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