Preizkusite se v poklicu

Kakšne naloge ima poklic in kako dejansko izgleda delo v podjetju, sta dve bistveni točki v procesu odločanja mladega človeka pri izbiri poklica. Obstajajo različne pobude, ki mentorjem v podjetju omogočajo vsakodnevne praktične vpoglede.



The region of Vorarlberg (A) offers the initiative "Vorarlberg Apprenticeship Ambassadors", in which apprentices represent the company as well as the profession. The initiative "Successfully carry out professional practical days in the company" helps in-company trainers to prepare and implement practical insights in the context of company visits. The “i-Messe - the Vorarlberg vocational training fair" offers in-company trainers the opportunity to show practical insights.

The region St. Pölten/Lower Austria/Vienna (A) offers in-company trainers the opportunity to give young people real insights into their firms through the "Bildungsmeile Amstetten-Scheibbs". The "DUO**STARS SUMMERschool" format involves in-company trainers in the form of on-site visits.

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