Training, study and career guidance by the South Tyrolean provincial administration

Training, study and career guidance is a free service offered by the South Tyrolean provincial administration.

Career counselling helps, for example, to find a suitable profession or course of study, clarify questions about the contents of an apprenticeship or course of study, find a training place and apply for it, develop alternatives if the desired occupation does not work out, make use of funding opportunities, obtain information on the training or labor market.



The education, study and career guidance in South Tyrol is already very established and well known. 



Mission statement: The mission of education, study and career guidance is to advise and inform young people and adults of all educational levels, to provide orientation in the dynamic world of education, careers and work, and to support informed decision-making. It works neutrally, confidentially, free of charge and is easily accessible throughout South Tyrol.


Description of the type of measure

Who is/are the target groups of your format?

- Middle school students and their families

- Pupils of the upper school

- Trainees

- Students

- Unemployed people

- Adults of any educational level


What are the requirements for your format? 

Counselling is a department within the South Tyrolean provincial administration and employs a total of 16 staff members working in 9 different locations in South Tyrol. The staff members are all assigned to different "partner schools" where they provide information about counselling and also offer counselling on site.


Counselling can be done over the phone or in person and the duration depends on the questions of the person seeking help and can be one-time or multiple times. A help-seeker can either make contact as needed or contact counselling through the school.



Actors: who was involved in the development of the event?

Counselling is a department of the South Tyrolean provincial administration.

What was needed to realize and test your event? 

- Financial resources: Counselling is free of charge. It is financed by the South Tyrolean provincial funds.

- Human resources: Counselling team: a total of 16 staff members, all of whom are trained pedagogues or psychologists.

- Spatial resources: offices at 9 different locations



The counselling is very well received, especially by students and their parents. The special thing about the counselling is that they do not have a placement mandate, they do not provide counselling based on the available job offers in South Tyrol, but based on the strengths and preferences of the seekers. Hence, it may be that someone finds their dream job, but there are no vacancies in South Tyrol.

Lessons learned: Due to the above-mentioned point that the counselling service does not have a placement mandate, it can happen that they also advise people and the job of their dreams is not available in South Tyrol and they therefore move away. On the other hand, it can also lead to some people becoming self-employed. Hence, no placement job has positive and negative sides.


Contact details:

Training, study and career guidance South Tyrol 

Consultations always by appointment Bozen

Tel. 0471 413350