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Où puis-je obtenir des informations sur les nouveaux types de formation, la formation continue et les cheminements de carrière existants afin d’être à jour?

une trace de la jungle des types d’entraînement

Il n’est pas toujours facile pour les enseignants de suivre la jungle des types de formation. Afin de toujours rester informé des offres en cours, les régions fournissent différentes aides.



The region St. Pölten/Lower Austria/Vienna (A) offers three fairs, the "BeSt³ digital", "Bachelor and More" and "Master and More", which are used as sources of information for teachers. “Open House" can also be used in this regard.

The region of Vorarlberg (A) organizes the "Apprenticeship fair Montafon", as well as the "i-Messe - the Vorarlberg vocational training fair" which is used by teachers to get information about existing apprenticeship offers. The region has also set up an apprenticeship homepage that can be used by education staff for information.   


The region of Valais (CH) offers teachers different initiatives to inform themselves about the types of apprenticeships. For example, they can use the fair formats "Berufsschaufenster Upper Valais" and the "Your Challenge - Career and Education Fair" or consult the online platform "Miini Brüefswahl". The "Infopass Valais" and the "EDHEA Internship Day" can also provide additional information.


In the region Rosenheim/Bavaria (D) several initiatives are organized that teachers can use for information. These include the fair "meineZukunft! - The Job and Career Fair", as well as the "AusbildungsOffensive-Bayern", which offers specific information on the metal and electrical industry.

The Munich Chamber of Skilled Crafts (D) offers teachers two relevant sources of information. Teachers can participate in the initiative "Training ambassadors for the skilled crafts - virtual setting" or the training fair "Meet your job".


The region of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (F) offers the "mondial des métiers" job fair in this regard. In addition, the initiative "Coaching métier" can also be used as a source of information.


In the region of South Tyrol (I) the " Infofair Bressanone" and the "Futurum – South Tyrols education fair" are offered as sources of information. But the initiative "Karriere mit Lehre" informs not only the young people but also their teachers about the possibilities of apprenticeship, too.

In the region of Trento (I) the job fair can be a source of information for teachers. Furthermore, participation in the "Group Initiatives" can provide new information. In addition, "Talent Checkups" with the website "Sorprendo" can provide information on 450 professions and their requirements.


The region of Slovenia (SL) offers the formats "Crafts path" and "Craft Street", where teachers can get information.

Further information