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Où les jeunes obtiennent-ils des informations sur les parcours de formation?

Où trouver de l’information sur les parcours de formation

Les jeunes utilisent une grande variété de canaux en ligne et hors ligne dans le processus d’information sur le futur parcours de formation.



In the region St. Pölten/Lower Austria/Vienna (A) the fairs "BeSt³ digital", "Bachelor and More" and "Master and More" are used to gather information. “Open House" is used as a source of information, too. The format "DUO**STARS SUMMERschool" offers young people an all-round program on the subject of training paths.

The region of Vorarlberg (A) organizes the "Apprenticeship fair Montafon " and the "i-Messe", which is used by young people to find out about existing training opportunities. The Region has set up an apprenticeship homepage that young people can consult for information. The "Vorarlberg Apprenticeship Ambassadors" also play an important role as a source of information.


In the region of Valais (CH) several formats are offered, that young people use as a source of information, including the "Berufsschaufenster Upper Valais" and the "Your Challenge - Career and Education Fair ". The "Infopass Valais" informs young people about their options, too. The orientation platform "Miini Brüefswahl" offers young people the chance to search for information independently and autonomously. It also provides information about possible events and activities.


In the region Rosenheim/Bavaria (D) several initiatives are organized, which serve as a source of information for young people. These include the "Azubi-Speed-Dating", the "Apprenticeship ambassadors - Combined degree" and the "Ausbildungs-Scouts". In addition, the "meineZukunft! - The job and career fair", is offered and used for these purposes. "AusbildungsOffensive-Bayern" offers specific information on the metal and electrical industry.

The Munich Chamber of Skilled Crafts (D) organizes the "Meet your job - training fair", where young people can inform themselves about existing career and training paths. In this context, the "Berufsbilderabend der Maria-Ward-Mädchenrealschule Traunstein" is organized, too. The "Girls Day" is a special initiative for girls.  The initiative "Training ambassadors for the skilled crafts - virtual setting" can give young people real insights into the world of training through testimonials of almost the same age.


In the region of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (F) many young people use the "mondial des métiers" job fair as a source of information. But initiatives like " Craftsmanship makes its cinema" and "Coaching métier" inform young people about the possible training paths, too.


In the region of South Tyrol (I) the "Infofair Bressanone" and the "Futurum – South Tyrols education fair" are used as sources of information. The initiatives "Karriere mit Lehre" and the "Training, study and career guidance” by the South Tyrolean provincial administration inform young people about the possibilities in education and help with orientation.

The region of Trento (I) tries to offer young people a source of information through their job and school fairs. Furthermore, orientation “group initiatives” and "Job Counselling" offer young people information. Also "Talent Checkups" with the website "Sorprendo" offers information on 450 professional branches.


In the region of Slovenia (SL) offers the format "Crafts path", which young people use for information.

Further information